Whom Have I, a classic portrait WOYWW#278

I still working on how to write for these posts as well digitizing verses and sentiments.
  I image I will just get things down to a comfortable rhythm and it will be time to change again!  Ever notice how that works in life, both the natural and the spiritual.
The car is finally all paid for and then the engine goes. We think we've arrived to being just about the most perfect person on the planet and then we look in the mirror.  Those shifts also keep life very exciting -a lot of our balance in life depend on our perspective.  That would make a good quote for a card wouldn't it? "A lot of our balance in life depend on our perspective"!  When I close my eyes I see colors and paper patterns, now I'm thinking in quotes.  I may need to get out more!

I still plan to participate in fun things too, they help the creativity keep flowing!  Today is what's on your Workdesk Wednesday - it has been a couple of months since I've joined alone!  Hop over to Julia's blog for the world wide tour of craftyness!

My sitting desk, working on my digitals:  I keep a "font book" to help me. My computer table is on an L angel to my work desk, very convenient

Standing desk, making a baby congrats card

The card

Stop over to Julia's when you have a few minutes to relax!

Today's verse is from Psalm 73 and it is transparent, The font is called Papyrus and I think it is really beautiful

I teamed it up with a Da Vinci portrait we are familiar with.
I also changed it to grayscale

Here are two sample cards

Both of these cards are 5x7 and I made the images in PE but you can also do this in Publisher and Word.

Such a beautiful Statement, "God the Strength of my day!  Amen!

I'm adding this in:
It is transparent In Arabella font

Thanks for stopping by!
Ginny M


ah Ginny adore the verse, esp done in papyrus. I like a script that is easily legible.

Mm, your desk looks great to come and visit - maybe we could go AWOL and craft together this weekend, eh?? :D happy WOYWW, Shaz in Oz.x
Beautiful verse, beautiful card - thanks you for sharing your desk this week. Happy WOYWW Cindy #49
sandysewin said…
I love the way you combined the scripture with the artwork, very pretty.

Happy Woyww,

Sandy #44
Kelly said…
Welcome back! Your cards are beautiful. Creative Blessings! Kelly #60
Hi Ginny, I like the new change. I can't wait to see what else becomes new over the time to come. I've already gotten a couple digi things downloaded again and hope to work on more cards soon! Hugs, Crystal
Mehrll said…
Like the shelves and storage for your pens. Just got a set of Spectrum Noir pens and will have to find a way to store them lying down. Like the new verse. It is so true.
glitterandglue said…
A great verse Ginny. One to remember when things are hard, when things are easy, all the time, really!!
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #17
Karen Ives said…
wow, what a tidy space, lovely. Karen #33
Lisca Meijer said…
Hi Ginny, Sorry this is a late-in-the-week comment, but I try to visit as many desks as possible and it takes me ages!
Thank you for witnessing. The verse is a good one. I have downloaded both PNG files. Thank you so much.
The Davinci card is beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for letting me look over your shoulder.
Have a good week,
Chrysalis said…
Hiya - both of the cards are great, and I love Papyrus, which I use a lot - so elegant. Have a lovely week, Chris # 16
Sunshine Girl said…
Great cards - thanks for visiting me. Sunshine Girl #6
Amy E said…
What a fun work space you have!! I love all your markers and pencils and inks! It just gets my creative juices flowing!!

Thanks for stopping by this week! Glad to have you back on WOYWW!

Amy E. #9
artatag said…
Beautiful cards, and you chose very nice fonts to go with.
Thank you for visiting and your nice comment!
Gabriele 28
Hi Ginny! Thanks for your visit to my blog today! What a lovely work space you have! Very neat and organized. I love the card you created with the Da Vinci portrait. I'm thinking that portrait would really suit an art journal page as well! Thanks for the inspiration! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #78
trisha too said…
What a wonderful work space, and lovely cards, too, Ginny!

Thank you for stopping by this woyww,
#69 this week
Cazzy said…
Hi Ginny,

Thanks for visiting. I know just what you mean, got that die cutter out and cutting in ernest, and showed everyone then the handle fell off! I will have to try and get the retailer to do something about it and I don't hear good things about them - didn't know before I bought it!

Your cards are so beautiful.

Cazzy x
Angela Radford said…
Hi Ginny thanks for the visit, it's been one of those weeks for me and I am still trying to get round. Love your work space lots of room and great cards.
Happy crafting, Angela x 39
Beverley Baird said…
What a wonderful workspace! love the cards you created. Thanks so much for stopping by.
Diana Taylor said…
Beautiful cards, I love the Leonardo image with the verse - really lovely. Thanks so much for stopping by my desk, I hope you have a great week,
Diana #37
Sue said…
Hi Ginny, Loving the cards, verses and the quote.

Adore the photo of the Peacock. Stunning.

Your work space is fab.

Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier.

Sue #36
KraftyKaren said…
Love that quote and your baby card is really lovely. Thank you for the peek at your desk.

Krafty Karen #64
Lunch Lady Jan said…
Keeping a font book is a clever idea! Now why didn't I think of that? I write a newsletter for my brass band and I'm forever searching for the perfect font.......doh. I love that quote in Papyrus, clever you teaming it up with that Da Vinci drawing, it looks fab!
Thanks for dropping by,
Hugs, LLJ 30 xx
Annie Claxton said…
Sorry I am so late catching up this week! Beautiful cards and what a lovely creative space you have, great idea to have a standing desk as well as a sitting one! Annie C #82
Annie Claxton said…
Sorry I am so late catching up this week! Beautiful cards and what a lovely creative space you have, great idea to have a standing desk as well as a sitting one! Annie C #82
okienurse said…
Always say better late then never...seems I am always late though!! Love the busy workspace and all the beautiful creative cards and verses etc. I have decided I need to get a move on now and start organizing the craft room a bit more. Thanks for stopping by earlier this week. I enjoy hearing from everyone. Vickie #21

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