Word Art Wednesday

Technically it is still Wednesday so I am going to post a little early for tomorrow!
WAW has another beautiful verse and  lovely challenge prizes! You can go to the Blog from here .

For this weeks Challenge I made a card sketch adapted for the WAW verse:

These colors and patterns are part of the Color set I offer on my Christian Card Makers FB group!  If you are interested in joining leave me a comment and I will get back to you - the group is closed but there is plenty of room for growth!

Here is the Awesome verse

and here is my card:

Well for some reason when it came to cutting I cut them completely wrong !  Since this is a card and not a diagram for brain surgery, I decide to just wing it.

I even stamped and colored!!  The background paper is much more gray, 
not sure why this came out so blue!

I hope you go over to WAW  read the wonderful devotion, make a card and enter in the challenge!

have a great day and thanks for stopping by!
Ginny M


Just luffly sis wonderful digi , hugs Shaz.x
Mehrll said…
I like your card made the way it is even though it is not by your sketch. Hugs.
Thank you for posting your beautiful art with us this week during our 153rd challenge at Word Art Wednesday. Carole Robb Bisson

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