cowboy card and a freebie

I made a cowboy card for Steve for fathers day, we are both had horses when we were teenagers.  We had a lot of fun conversation around fathers day dinner - telling tales of the times we fell off the horses!  I used my Spectrum Noir Markers for coloring and Tim Holtz for distressing.  I also spent some time late last night looking for examples of creating depth in coloring.  I realize my Cowboy is pretty flat and I needed more time to make him a little dimensional. 

 Here is a link to a site where I found some great coloring tutorials:

I may try this image again to see how I do after spending some time studying - but right now it is time to go meet with the caterer, 4 more days till the wedding!

I'm leaving you with this great cowboy for you to give it a try too!

I've also entered this in this weeks Crop Stop challenge, stop over, make a card and enter it you might win a nice prize!!

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!!
Ginny M


Jan Castle said…
Great Father's Day card Ginny! Thank you for the link for the alcohol markers...I watch a couple of the videos and learned something different about coloring with my Copics....THANKS SOOOOOO MUCH!
Now to practice what I learned - LOL!
Paper Hugs,
Ginny, this image is a great one! I can see myself using it frequently. Your coloring is advancing rapidly! Hugs, Crystal
Ginny, this image is a great one! I can see myself using it frequently. Your coloring is advancing rapidly! Hugs, Crystal

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