envelope card

I have an OSA swap card that needed to be made and sent out.  This swap was for an "envelope card.
I 'm a little late because I didn't have an idea for this .  So I sat down this afternoon and just got to it.
I decided to do an Asian beech scene. why a beach seen?  Well because sand was easier to do than grass.

I grabbed a couple of images from one of my Dover books, tweaked it until I had what I wanted.

Started pulling colors

Using  Color I always have a blotter sheet, test paper and a pallet tool no matter what medium I use.
Working in the color

I pull all the markers I think I will be using and have ready

The card in it's envelope shell

Fun, Fun!
Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend!!
Ginny M


Jan Castle said…
Very pretty Ginny!
Paper Hugs,
Shelly Schmidt said…
Wonderful card! Your coloring is beautiful!

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