A Finish!

I finished my "Summer" block this morning and it will be in the afternoon mail.  I can't wait to see what I get in the swap!!  I belong to a Yahoo group called 'Crazy Quilt for Newbies'  It is fun and no pressure. I joined this group 8 years ago.  after a hand injury, I took a break due to the fact I couldn't even hold a pen for a year ;et alone a needle!  So I'm back at it and enjoying the stitching and the friendships.

Here is the block:

 bare block

 Gathering the "stash"

Fist bits

Half way


I used the colors that are in my immediate inviornment.  we have lots of flowers right now because of the spring rains.  In another month things will fade a bit due to the lack of water - but there will still be thing blooming until January!!  I love the deserts landscape palette.  To me, it feels so open and free. 
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a great day!
Ginny M


Ginny this is fabulous - love all the texture and your eye for detail is amazing. The ribbon work is stunning, and I love the detailing on the ric rac.

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