Card Sketch for Tuesday

One of the fun blog challenges I like to participate in is Mojo Monday.
 Following directions is always a challenge for me, and that is a good thing!  Challenges keep us sharp, whether is a card sketch, a dinner missing key ingredients, or balancing the budget.  Challenges help us to be humble, thankful and appreciative!
This week's Card sketch:
I needed a "thank you" card to send to my sister Robin for this great little book she sent me:
I'm still working on losing another few pounds, and then the challenge remains to Keep it off So I was very glad to receive this book.  I've only read a couple days worth of the proverbs and I've had to say; "oh boy" a couple times, I'm not sure I agree with all the transliteration but it is sure is thought provoking!!
Using a bit of scrap

Here is my Mojo Challenge and "thank you" card (I hope Robin gets the card before she reads this blog)

Thanks for Stopping by and may
God be Merciful unto you and bless you
and cause his face to shine upon you!
Ginny M


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