Motivating Monday

It is early Monday morning, I'm posting so early I've beating Mojo Monday's post!  Not that it was intentional, I just fell asleep for 30 minutes when I went to bed Sunday night and then found my self WIDE AWAKE.  I'm sure many of you have the same lovely sleeping habits!!  I've been this way since I was a teenager and I've just looked at my need for little sleep as an advantage, I can get a lot done while I am up!!
I'll have to add my MM entry later in the day .
I have been working on my 'Use it Up' project and I feel like I am fighting off a Hydra, I get one card made and I find scraps and parts for 20 more! But I am having fun, my room is getting more organized and I am changing the way I make things.
I enjoy watching videos of other crafters work rooms and I am afraid I am still scarred by the video 'Hoarders Revisited' by Lindababyus!!  It is a hoot, if you have a few minutes and you are a crafter you will enjoy this sad but true confession.
This week I made       drumroll................ 58 cards, bring my total to , 75 cards from scraps and parts in two weeks!!



These Beautiful inages were painted by Patsy Paterno, a wonderful kind and giving artist from the Philippines.  She has allowed me to print her little canvases, I then make them in to little ATC size cards I give away everywhere I go, I also make cards with them  and send them off as I feel led in prayer.  These are not scraps , but treasures, I just had a stack waiting to be worked into cards.

Check out Patty's' blog, you will LOVE it!!

There they are and it doesn't even seem like I touched the pile!!!
Today is supposed to be a reprieve day between storms and I am thinking of starting a mini album, my first!!  It will be a gift and I am a little excited about making it.  I've watched a couple of videos on 'how too' and looks like the only thing I will have to do is get a personal loan to buy enough score tape and then I should be all set - famous last words!
Thank you for stopping by and I hope you have a wonderful day!!
Ginny M


Oh my goodness, you are on a scrap roll! I particularly liked the embossed chinese lanterns card all monochromatic in white. Just beautiful. I'm glad you're having so much fun cleaning out!

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