Word Art Project and WOYWW #273

We're getting slammed again with snow... I am fortunate, I don't have to go anywhere in this, I can just stay home and enjoy the snowy day, work on Christmas things and spend a huge amount of time drinking coffee and peeking around the world at crafty friends Desks!!  It Is WOYWW #236 and if you'd like to join the fun, skip on over to Julia Dunnit's blog where she hosts a world wide blog hop!
On my desk today I made a small gift (14) for the Women's study group that I am able to attend Tuesday Mornings'.  It is a women's bible study that has been going on now for 27 years.  Tuesday morning, coffee, something hot and homemade and the Word of God shared with a group of wonderful women!
One of my favorite Scriptures is 2Peter 1:2+3,
I turned it in to a little stand up gift using  5x7 envelopes 12x12 patterned cardstock, a spellbinder die, and cool chipboard easel cut from a Tim Holtz  die.
I used the Arabella Font 20pts and a spell binders fancy frame.
I had a very hard time getting my ebosser to cut this properly.  I love the ebosser , and if I have a problem I know it is me and not the machine, so when all else fails:
Read the instructions!!! 
This is the little easel I cut out of chip board, one pass through the ebosser and it was cut and scored perfectly!  This is a sizzix big thick die and it is the small easel, suitable for anything under 8x10 size.
Thanks for stopping by and may your day be filled with the Knowledge of Him, over flowing with grace and peace!
Ginny M


Your fellowship sounds wonderful and what a lovely keepsake you made them. So pretty! Happy WOYWW! Lindsay #5
Karin said…
I'm so glad that reading the instructions worked for you! :-)
Happy Wednesday Karin #3
Regina Hamilton said…
Your Bible study group sounds great. The ladies will love the gift. #6
MiamiKel said…
OH these are each so lovely!! What great colors :)
Kelly #2
Julia Dunnit said…
Nice thoughtful gift Ginny, and beautifully done/. it is very early AM here and my eyes are tired - I read the last word as video....it took a second to unconfuse my brain! Love the papers you've chosen. Am very glad you haven't to go anywhere in the snow, enjoy the home days!
Neil said…
Good morning
Just popping my head around the door to say hi and wish you a very happy Christmas.
Thanks for sharing your workplace and your beautiful keepsakes.

Neil #20
Scrapcat 1 said…
what a thoughtful gift for your fellow studiers. I too have an eBosser and love it. Thanks for sharing, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Tracy #41
Elizabeth said…
Hi Ginny, your easel cards are lovely. I'm sure the ladies will treasure them. Glad you got round your problems with the eBosser - I'm still using my treasured Cuttlebug but, due to arthritic hands, may have to invest in the eBosser one day. Thanks for sharing. Greetings, Elizabeth x #45
Glenda Brooks said…
This is such a thoughtful gift for your group! Have a wonderful Wednesday!
Krisha said…
What a wonderful gift for your Bible study group!
Merriest of Christmas Blessings
Krish #23
Congrats Ginny on being in the Top 10! Another array of absolutely stunning cards you've made on this winter white Wednesday!
Helen Campbell said…
Isn't it lovely to be with a group of women to share? Wonderful gifts! Happy WOYWW Helen #17
Ginny, your scripture easel cards are very beautiful!! I hope you don't get too much snow - just enough to make it Christmassy!! Happy WOYWW and Happy Holidays!! Hugs, Darnell #10
Danie May said…
What a beautiful gift your scripture easels will make. Wishing you are wonderful Christmas and New Year! Danie #37
Jan Castle said…
These are Beautiful and meaningful!!!
Thank you Ginny for the lovely Christmas card...don't have your e-mail address so hope you will see this!!!! It is such a clever design!
Hugs and ChristmasBlessings,
Jan Castle
Lisa-Jane said…
Those easels are a great idea! Have a wonderful Christmas and best wishes for 2014! #41

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