Bunny Trail

For the last three years I have participated in a Oriental Stamp Art image swap called Haiku Bunny

This rubber stamp was made by Hero Arts in the 1990's
He is a rather nondescript bunny and who knows what the calligraphyreally  says, it is supposed to be a Haiku.  The rubber in my opinion is to thin, making it difficult to get a good image.  I'm not trying to be overly negative, it is that this stamp is a pain to use and for some reason it is a favorite of mine.  I only use it once or twice a year, but there is something so charming about it I hang on to it!
I've never had good luck with it, way back in the 90's when I purchased bunny #1 I was so disappointed I gave it away.  Then I missed it to much so I bought another one.
I used it a few times and then in a lot sold it again.
I stopped stamping for a decade and when I started up again I purchased bunny # 3.
I was very glad to find there was a swap hosted for it at OSA.
The first year, wanting to do something different to jazz up this guy, I approached the swap with my color wheel and made this card:
My intent was earthy with WOW color
What I ended up with was a 1 lb card that was totally over the top ugly.  But because I put so much work into it I mailed them anyways, along with a few goodies so that my swap mates would still love me!
Last year I made this card, still trying to add some drama to it:

also  trying out new Alcohol markers, I liked this one better and it certainly weighed less!!

This year I was feeling a little more inspired , I am happy with this bunny.  Next year I will work on the bunny more itself and do some fussy cutting, but these were already a few days late getting in the mail so off they went!

do you have any stamps/images you have a love hate relationship with??
Leave a comment I'd like to know if you do!!
Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!!
Ginny M


Mm Ginny this has to be my favourite toot eh last one.. first yes agree is is OTT.. think I would say I have few stamps rather like the one you say.. and one of them is Hero arts too but a clear Leafy one, and centre will never stamp properly it you put it on a block... but read on Pinterest that is you lightly sand it with your distressing block ie ultra fine sand paper over the surface of such stamps it is remarkable the different, so going to try it with that and see if it sorts it..

Never know may even work on this one.. TFS Shaz in oz.x

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