It's WOYWW #260!! Swaps and Stock

It's WOYWW#260, the Big 5th Anniversary Issue!  Being celebrated with ATC's!  This is my Third year here I still haven't jumped in!!  Oh well maybe next year!  The BIG PARTY starts here at Julia's Blog hop over and enjoy yourself!!

Today my desk is really busy! 
Getting my swap note book and my  "studio" note book organized Maxam Made studio is my site where I sell crafty supplies kits and generally cool things pertaining to paper crafting.  I am re opening 6/1 and I've been working over time on stocking the store (this is a small online selling venture)

Card for an ATCM swap I made 6 cards tonight for my June swaps.

Sorting through ribbons, irresistible to Tink

making ribbon/clip embellishments.   4 out of 5 work spaces are in process..  The real challenge is to remember just what it is I am doing.....
So that's my workdesk!!  I'm hoping to get around the hop today and leave comments, I know I've been Bad about that the last month.   Just to busy to sit at the computer for very long!
I hope you enjoy the Hop and thank you for stopping by!
Ginny M


ah wodnerful desky share here Ginny love the pile of ribbons and s does Tink!! well done you!! happy WOYWW5 no number yet, Shaz in Oz.x
Eliza said…
It looks like Tink could do some serious damage there. Gosh so much happening. I hope you have a wonderful crafty week.

Happy 5th WOYWW Anniversary
Hugs Eliza & Yoda 8

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