
Busy weekend here, We both worked on Saturday. On Sunday Steve still at drill and for me: two services atchurch.  But in between services I took a road trip to a stamp store with my friend Goldie!!!
We had a quick lunch at my house (why go out to eat and spend money on lunch when we could spend it at the stamp store!!)

Here's what I purchased:  I didn't go crazy

I made a thank you card for Goldie to let her know I appreciated her going with me, I just had to make something from the new stash!!
This card was made from the devotion pad.
I made this card for an "envelope challenge" over at the ATCM group that I belong to.
I hosted this months and really wanted to do something Asian;
In the envelope was the focal image,  black net ribbon, a square of pink mulberry paper, a row of pearls and a brown silky paper butterfly.  You a have to use some of everything in the envelope, you can add only two more embelishments  and one stamped image.
Card base of choice.
For my embellishment I chose two liner papers, instead of a stamped imaged I outlined my focal image in black.
Here it is:
5.5 x6
I had a lovely day with my sweetheart, went for a drive to VT, breakfast at a fav restaurant.
I hope you have a great day!  Thanks for stopping by
Ginny M


Beautiful cards, I love the stamps bought and the papers!

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