It is that time again, and the World Wide Blog Hop starts at Julia's desk over the pond in the UK!  Grab a cuppa  when you find a few quiet minutes , enjoy the trip!!

Well my desk is pretty simple today.
I've used Julia's idea to keep my "To Do" notes in a note book instead of a pad or sheets of paper!! Now I also just tuck the book in my purse when I am out!!

I've got the covers cut to my chap books and picked out the interior papers.  

I also have to say my idea of the little books is turning out to be much more difficult that I thought.  I have to take a course on Microsoft Publisher or hand print/stamp.  I am opting for a quick online course in MP. I will do the binding by hand as it will be simple. I am developing a new and greater appreciation for the trade of book making!!
I hope you all have a wonderful day, I am off to work at Letterpress Things, I may even bring a few stamps and ink pads to see how Using
a A Vandercook Proof Press would work with our medium!
Stay Tuned??
Ginny M


sandysewin said…
Your book looks to be coming along nicely. I've done a few book binding projects, and they always make me appreciate the craft for sure!

Happy Woyww,

Sandy #58
Ali H said…
Hope the books project turns out well ! Ali #6
Chrysalis said…
The 'to do' books sounds a great idea - I'm always losing my shopping list, etc., so perhaps that would work for me. Do show us the book when it's finished - love the colours! Chris # 17
Ah Ginny looks very interesting. . You don't do things by halves do you? God bless you in it. Dad still not good orayer appreciated. Shaz in Oz.x#14
Eliza said…
I love Publisher, I am a publisher addict and have been for more years than I care to remember and no I will never give it up. LOL

The things you can do in publisher is amazing you are going to love learning it. Good luck as for the press, it looks impressive.

Eliza & Yoda 26
Angela Radford said…
Hope your books turn out okay.
Would love to see it finished.
Have a great week and happy crafting, Angela x 41
Kelly said…
Look forward to seeing the finished chap books. I am also learning binding techniques. Just ordered a new art journaling book with some instructions. Creative Blessings! Kelly #70

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