A New Project and WOYWW#258

It is WOYWW#258, the world wide crafters desk blog hop!!  It starts here at Julia's Blog over "pond" in the UK !

I have felt the unction to try something new, something different, I feel like I need to add to my card making studio something more than card making.  Something bigger and more important. But something like card making and something that will not require me to go and spend on supplies.  Ever have one of those days/weeks/months??

This morning It all gelled together!  I'll show you my desk and see if you can guess what I am going to do!

Taking an inventory of things needed and on hand:

Looking at papers:

More Supplies:
Yes I have everything I need! What am I going to make?
Check back on Friday and I will tell you! 
Leave and comment and if you get it right I will send you a prize!
If there are more than once correct guess, I randomly draw with the correct guesses!!
Thanks for stopping by!
Ginny M


Sandy Leigh said…
You have some wonderful goodies to work with! I am thinking you have all you need to make a mixed media art journal - but I also think your possibilities are endless. Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #68
Marilyn Mathis said…
Could it be gift boxes or favor boxes?
Hi Ginny, happy WOYWW to you! You have me quite intrigued as to what you are going to make next. I also have to come back and watch your video from yesterday too! Hugs. Crystal
Sandy Trefger said…
Awesome supplies to work with! I'm going to guess some sort of sewn books and pages? Mini books? Happy WOWW!
~Sandy from Texas #86
Shelly Schmidt said…
I am going to guess you are doing some form of book binding- looks very interesting and I am hoping you will share the steps on your blog : )
Marilyn Mathis said…
Just had a thought. Could it be prayer journals?
Angelartistok said…
Handmade book or journal.
April Story said…
Oh no! You're going to make us wait! April #75
Nan G said…
Well you have us all on pins n needles wondering...what is she making? Not sure why you have a hammer out or what's in those jars in the box.? I'll try to remember to drop by on Friday. So intriguing.... :) Hugs and Happy WOYWW! Nan G #15
Anne said…
I agree with Shelley in that it has to be along the realms of book binding, and maybe little booklets of scripture verses to encourage? I bought a wee book many moons ago and finally got to use it when my friend was diagnosed with cancer. It's taken 2 years of treatment but she i finally coming through! Whatever you are making I know one thing for certain...it'll be GREAT!
misteejay said…
Very interesting desk and supplies. Some form of book binding would be my guess. Whatever it is I hope you have lots of creative fun.

Toni xx
My thought is a summary - you have ink bottles but no nibs, thread, but no needles, fabric glue but no fabric!! and conumndrum that is what it is Ginny :D
Thread may not not require needles nor may fabric glue require fabric, ink nibs etc (maybe paint anyway).. but you do have card..
I think knowing you, it is a gift first and foremost and possibly booklet format like a prayer journal 'cos looking at your list there are thoughts that are Bible orientated, colours with various thought association - like Teal and zeal.. :D
Happy WOYWW not playing just visiting dont have time to blog at mo.. next week, God willing, Shaz in Oz.x
Chrysalis said…
I'd have to go along with some of the others, and say a journal of some sort but, TBH, not a clue! Enjoy it anyway, and have a great week. I love keeping up with the FB page, BTW. Chris # 23 xx
Eliza said…
I'm not even going to try and guess, I am impressed that you even took inventory of your stash. Whatever you create I hope you have fun.

Eliza & Yoda 90
Angela Radford said…
What a great workspace.
I have no idea what you are making and will have to pop back to have a look.
Happy crafting, Angela x 50

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