More trip cards

While I am posting cards from my weekend trip, I'm busy here working on a few other things to post about next week!  I think we are all beginning to wind up for the Holiday season - but where did the summer go?  It feels like it should be september!

All of these cards were made with what I call my grab and glue technique.  I do use card sketches on occasion, but not this occasion!  HAving never been to a crafty weekend I really wasn't sure what to bring to work on other than my Christmas Cards.  So I just grabbed stash and stamps and digital prints!  I love to work like this but the mess did get to me!  my normal work surface is my entire small craft room - 9x12, for this event I had a 4x4 space.  It did get a little claustrophobic!
                                                                           I did
 constantly clean up
between cards too!

Here are more cards from the trip:
I think this was my favorite

Tomorrow I'll show you how three of use use one stamp for several cards!
Thanks for stopping by!
Ginny M


Sherry Heier said…
I just LOVE your style of card making Ginny! Sherry
Carolyn said…
Stunning and beautiful cards, Ginny.

For the card with the message "Blessed beyond measure" would you share the source of the stamp. It is so perfect for many occasions.

Jan Castle said…
Lovely cards Ginny, and each is so unique! Love the sentiments too!!! You give new meaning to assembly line production...LOL! Sure your name is not 'Lucy'!!!
Ah sis, so many, lots of fav.s: two bird cards with Bible verses and second last chinese one with bluebirds and blossoms :) you are superwoman if the other stamper vus supergirl :D love Shaz in Oz.x

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