While I was away

While I was away, Steve surprised me  by painting my craft room!  I had thought I would like a tan color with black accents and baskets ( total shoe string event!!)  He went ahead and painted it a beautiful ivory!  I added the red, already had the black accents and baskets.  I am very happy with the changes!   my room is a small 9x12 space that I am very thankful to have as my studio!

 For befores' you can go here: http://maxammade.blogspot.com/p/my-studio.html

Here is the tour :

I'm pretty sure I use every inch!!
Thanks for stopping by!
Ginny M


Oh Ginny, this came out beautifully! It really didn't lighten up your space. I still can't believe how much you fit (neatly!) into a space that's just about half of what I have! Wall storage is the key and I don't have that. Happy Thanksgiving!!
DID - it DID lighten up your space! Darn autocorrect!
Jan Castle said…
Lovely...kudos to Steve!!! Your space is so efficient...I commend you Ginny!
Blessing upon blessing from God above, praise Him, Shaz.xx
Hammers said…
How gorgeous is this space!!! LOVE IT. Peel and stick tiles - clever. Cx #19

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