Word Art Wednesday - two posts in one day!

I know I won't be posting tomorrow so I thought I's make the Word Art Wednesday card today and post twice!! stop over to WAW for a great devotion , crafty inspiration and an opportunity to win a very nice prize!!

Today's verse:

My Card:

and a rose card I made for my FB group:

Ya, except where is the rose?  It was where the butterflies are now.  This is one of those cards that you do something and what you expect doesn't happen and looks awful!!
I had a cluster of roses popped on top of the lace, only problem  - Stickels makes my printer ink run, so the roses with an accent of tattered rose stickels, became a gloppy mess.  I like the fix better!
Thanks for stopping by, again!!
Ginny M


Both cards are stunning, and I'm so grateful to have you share your God-given talents with us. I have heard from others what a tremendous blessing and encouragement you are to them, and I thank you for being such a sweet soul for the glory of our precious Savior, Jesus Christ.
Have a great week,
Word Art Wednesday
ah love the first card very much, such a wodnerful verse!!!
.. and so know how things happen on second card .. good rescue :D Shaz in Oz.x
Jo Ann said…
Wow, these card are awesome...I love the papers and the vintage design. I also love that you incorporated the verse we highlighted. Love it! So delighted you joined us at our last week's Challenge and hope you join us again for the start of another Challenge today. Leaving you with some encouragement from Psalm 62:5-6 which says, "Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken." Hugs and blessing always!


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