Desk away from Desk

I'm posting my WOYWW from a  desk in our hotel. We're heading back tommorow, but I couldn't resistdoing a few cards for OWH.  Actually I hoped to make a lot, and I a may make a few more to night, But here is a picture of my work desk:

This is my first set of OWH Cards, I started them last night and finished them a few minutes ago.  In between we've walked and taken in the historical spots, shopped and have been to some great restaurants.  I'll post more about that tomorrow, I'll also tell you about a great stamp store called 'Ink About It' in Westford MA that I purchased some great stamps- I'll show you those too! 

So here are a few of the cards that I did get made!!  I hope you enjoy the links over at the host blog:  Have A Great day, Ginny


sandee said…
Look at you, now that's dedication to be making cards while on vacation! I'm just happy to check in on my computer when I go away! lol waving hi from the hills of North Carolina #50, unless someone removes a link, lol
I saw your post after I've added a comment to your previous post.

You are making cards on vacation!
That background is amazing and the cards are so beautiful...
I love the way you have shadowed them.
Enjoy the sunshine!
It sounds like you had an idyllic day yesterday... I am happy for you!

I just wanted to share my virtual cup of coffee with you!
I thought it would be a nice way to begin our day!
I hope today finds you well!

I am on my way to the post office!

Have an enjoyable day today and take care!

Sunshine Girl said…
Oooh how lovely crafting on holiday! I love the cards you have made and I think I need that script stamp! Thanks for sharing - Sunshine Girl No. 58
okienurse said…
great looking desk looks very creative and busy! Hope you have a great week. Vickie #67
Laura said…
Lovely peacock stamp.
Annie said…
Hi Ginny I hope you are having a wonderful vacation with the family. Thank you for sharing your workspace and creations with a fellow woywwer. Just became your newest google follower. Crafty hugs Annie x
kay said…
fab set of cards,glad you having a nice break
kay #65
Maxam Made said…
Thank you sunshine! I am hoping to find time to skip over to stampin ground, normally it takes me a whole week to get through eh the list and I love it!!
That set is part of the Stampin Up set world treasures #126765 in wood. This set is also available in Cling mount rubber!
Maxam Made said…
Thank you Annie! I hope you enjoy my blog and thank you for the support! Hugs back with a little MoJo!
Lindsay Weirich said…
great stencils! love that you find time to craft on vacation! happy WOYWW Lindsay #33
Peggy Cain said…
love the cards!!! have a great day!
Maxam Made said…
Hi Lindsay,
Thanks! The stencils are actually a paper punch I punched on both sides, I wanted it to look like an Iron gate sort of....
Shoshi said…
What beautiful cards, and I love the punched stencils. I've been making stencils from acetate on my cutting machine, for use with my new Dylusions inks. I love stencils/masks! So versatile.

Love the beautiful shop you visited in your next post! What an amazing lady, too. What fun you had!

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #3

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