Mini Vacation

This Morning, Steve and I are leaving for three days of fun, leaving the kids at home (young adults) leaving the big neurotic dog with them ( hopefully he won't have a melt down with us gone - if any of you are familiar with Great Danes you know what I mean!!) and No Cats!  We aren't going far, just a couple of hours away to spend by the sea.  To walk, and shop and find great little restaurants.  To just really be with each other with out any demands.  Heaven!  Steve's Thyroid cancer surgery is in two weeks, My Mother is having a surprise quadruple bi-pass in the next two weeks also. And because I am so psychosomatic  MY throat is killing me and I am having chest pains!!
Getting away for a few days will be wonderful before I change hats and begin my stint of unskilled nursing.  Two of the dearest people in the world to me.  Because I trust in the Lord I know I can do this for them, with joy.

I woke up with this passage of the bible in my mind this morning:
"Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; Who crowneth thee with loving kindness and tender mercies"  He is faithful and He is strong and in Him I can do all things!!

As with so many people, times like these, make us understand how precious the bond of Love and Life really are.  I think of my two friends living far away even from each other, one has moved from Moscow to live with her sister in Israel, to fight breast cancer (she is winning!).  I think the only thing worse than being alone in life, is being alone in fighting for life.  From a Home in Moscow She has traveled to a better healing environment both on the technical sense and the emotional sense.  'Two are stronger than one, and three make a strong cord.'
I like to think of Steve and I being the two and The lord being the third, and together we are that strong cord.
I trust the times of my life and it's many facets in the hands of a Redeeming God.

On the Crafty side of my morning I made up a bunch of card kits ( for Operation Write Home) to take with me, and hopefully Steve will help me put them together!

I was able to pack them in this great little tote that my youngest gave to me for my Birthday:

This was a fishing gear kinda tote!  I pulled all the brand lettering off and will re embroider Maxam Made on it one of these days!  But this is a awesome tote for Crafting! It holds a ton of stuff, lots  of pockets and pouches!

And here are 6 cards I made yesterday for Operation Write Home!

Have a great Day everyone and I pray that you find the Richness Of Gods' Mercy in your Life!


Lori said…
enjoy your get away, relax, believe in God and give Steve and Mom a hug from us!
Dear Ginny!
I am happy for you and Steve! Vacation time is my favorite! Enjoy every minute together, relax and have fun!

Your stamps are very nice!!!! Love them again!

hugs from sunny Israel


I got notification from post office! hurray!
Your package has arrived in Ashdod!

Thank you for brighten my day!

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