
This week of vacation has been such a great relaxing time, I really enjoyed our three day getaway and I enjoyed the time at home.  Steve normally works so hard both at work and home and church it was especially nice to see him relax.  We got the big projects for the summer done a few weeks ago, we were able to enjoy the newly restored deck. The car repairs were done, no Dr's appts or tests, (Steve is feeling very good).  It has been so hot, our lawn it a beautiful toasty brown - so that was beyond work.  My big contract sewing job is down to the last 9 units and I felt like I could turn the machine off for a week. The kids were all okay and busy with their lives and  My mother won't be having her bi- pass until 8/6.  It was a week we could relax and for me a week to be thankful.  All of our lives seem to have a common thread, it's called Chaos, or the threat of it. All it takes is one event and it can derail us.  I think as women we build our lives serving others and keeping status Quo, I 'm not talking about material or financial status quo, I'm taking about about the status quo of laying down in bed at night and counting little heads sleeping in the rooms next door, and thinking, we're all here and we're all safe.  That count changes through the years, but we are always counting, the kids, the parents, the friends, the cats the dogs , the goldfish.  The heads lay down on different pillows in different states, in different countries, but we still count them and we need to feel we're all here and we are all safe.  In the Last couple of weeks I've done a lot of counting, With the health issues my family is facing and life changing  issues with kids, I've spent some extra time not just counting, but talking to my heavenly father, Lord keep them safe, Keep them in your embrace,  I know you love them more that I do, but they are not only a portion of my life, they are my life.  I think times like these boil things down in our lives, they boil it down to a very essential element. Trust.  And I do, I trust Him with my Loves and I trust him with Me.  I don't need to have all the questions answered, I need to understand that he has my whole world in His hands and that is the BEST place for it to be.  This is a Scripture I memorized years and years ago, when my life was a tempest in a teapot.                                              It blessed me then, it blesses me now. 
From Psalm 73:  
Nevertheless I am continually with thee: thou hast holden me by my right hand.
  Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory.
  Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee.
  My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever.

I've given my thoughts a lot of space here this morning, because I don't think they are uncommon, I am  another link in a chain of sisters and wives and mothers and daughters. Roles and relationships, life and death, we all face it.  We choose how we face it, I choose to face things as I always have, hiding behind God, or in the biblical term, Hiding in God.  I'm good at it. I'm not a scardy cat, I'm smart.  I'm also saying all this because if anyone out there is counting and the numbers aren't coming up good, there is a Person to turn those heads over too, there is a hope,                                              His name is Jesus and he cares.
I'm not just about stamping and cooking and my family, I am an ambassador.  If anyone has question or would like me to pray for you or put you on our women's prayer group list, send me an email:

Thursday night my life long friends stopped into see us, this couple Is Gus and Jane, two of the finest people on the planet, and they are part of the hiding in God package.  He sends what we need when we need it before we know we need it.   Thank you Gus and Jane for a life time of love and support.

Now some stampy stuff

Last Night while Steve was attending a  church service in RI, I spent the time in my stamp room, working on putting things away from my LSS shopping during the week (not done on that either)!  I did get a few cards made while watching 28 Days with Sandra Bullock (gotta love amazon prime movies) and reorganizing. 
I also had a couple of ideas, the first one was to make using my new H2O's (paints) more usable and organized.  These come in darling little pots, they are similar to my much loved pan watercolors.  What I didn't like was these cute little pots were sitting in a crystal bowl , and I was  told me to leave the covers off so the paints can dry out, other wise they will mold.   This can be bad news because my cats thought they were for sure the best toys I have ever brought home, totally more fun and roll-y than  sewing machine bobbins!!                      Here is what I did:

I glued the pots into a stampin' up clam shell case, now I have them all together in a non-rolling state, I can let them dry,flip the cover and then put them in a drawer ( and yes there is room to complete the collection).  The pallet of paints in the black holder  is something I picked up at Michael's a couple of years ago for under 5 dollars and they work great.                                                                               The trick to this is, for max opacity, use min water! 
The other tip I wanted to share, was one I shared on OSA tip Thursday:
This is my water color plate ( I love water colors) I normally keep it very clean, I have a palate tray that actually looks like I use it, this one is too small for serious work, I purchased it for CQ beading. Anyway in the center is a small piece of wool felt, it is saturated with baby oil.  Sometime I use Gamesol.  With either medium, I simply tap my colored pencil on the wool and it pick up the perfect amount of liquid for my colored pencils.  Colored pencils is another favorite for colorizing.

My cards for the night started here with my package of peacock coasters, a mini deck of DCWV, mulberry paper and card stock.

     I pulled out twelves sheet that I liked and thought would work with this.                                          This paper had a lot of shine on it as you can see!

a few of the finished cards

To finish them, I added crystals and a glittery spot on the eye ball.  The card bases are the Neenah 100# solar white that I sell.  The 100# paper gives this card lots of weight. 

I hope all of you have an awesome weekend and I look forward to blogging again on Monday.  If you too are out there and counting, you aren't alone, and there is One Who is Faithful that will hold your hand!  ~Ginny



What a pleasure to read your interesting posts! You should write more!Each day brings another beautiful card....Congratulations!
I love seeing your gorgeous creations on your blog. Amazing inspiration all the time!
Lovely showcasing of fabulous image!
Thanks for sharing your art and your heart!
Lindsay Weirich said…
Love those peacock cards! tha colors are so rich!
You've been blessed with an eye for mixing patterns. Thank you for your kind words on my blog. Blessings!

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