I just stepped in with WOYWW. What is that you might ask? What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday was started by the wonderful Julia Dunnit at The Stamping Ground. And it is a time for crafty bloggers from around the world to get a chance to see who is making what. Or who has created some wonderful piece of art. Basically it is a time to be nosey and take a peek at somebody else's stuff. So join us. Go on over to the Stamping Ground and take a look around,  it fun and full of ideas
Here is what is happening on my desk:  Due to previously posted circumstances I haven't been making cards or crafting much the last two weeks, tonight I wanted to make thank you cards for all of my wonderful friends who have been encouraging and praying for us, just to let them know how really important that has been to us.  hopefully I will finish this set tonight and post the finished cards:
Desk # 1  my main work table, cards in process

Desk#2 on a an L shape next to #1  My computer and stuff, working on my blog:

Desk # 3 where I do lots of prep, I can't decide which I like better, sitting or standing to do my stamping. So in true Goldie Locks fashion I do both and get on my own nerves.
So this is my desk for this Weds, I hope you go over to Julia's blog and check out some of the other crafters' works!!  Ginny



jill said…
Thanks for sharing your work space with us. lovely looking cards happy crafting jill #43
Neil said…
Hi there. Nice to pop in and see your creative world this week. I won't stay long; don't want to give you my cold! Hope you have a good creative week though. Read your previous post too. Thank you for sharing and I agree with you in agreeing with the Word of God; He has everything under control and knows best. God bless you this week.
Neil # 33
Maxam Made said…
Hi Neil, Thank you for your very kind words! And yes HE knows best!! I hope you feel better and have a great creative week too! Thank you for stopping by!
peggy aplSEEDS said…
great view of your work spaces. loved the peek at all your pencils and markers, and i like how the whole desk #3 is covered with mats! you are blessed to have so much space! hugs, peggy aplSEEDS
Helen said…
Hi Ginny - just read the post below and wanted to say well done to you. Amazing spirit and strength you have. I wish you both well and of course that you will soon be in those size 12s! WOYWW Hugs Helen 64
Maxam Made said…
Hi Peggy!
Thank you for the compliments! Those mats are great! My space is 9x11, and I have rubbermade storage drawers along two walls, DH made a counter top our of 1" thick plywood, then we put lenolieum tiles on top of that. Along the short wall I have my printers, stack cutter and electronic cutting machine, the long wall is 3/4 work space, 1/4 homade Ironng area ( I quilt too ).
Maxam Made said…
Thank You Helen for your kind words. I appreciate them very much! I take a great deal of comfort in the words " Lo I will be with, I will never leave you or forsake you." So I know Jesus will be with us through this season of our lives! And the 12's oh yes, only 50 more miles on the treadmill!
MrsC.x said…
hello from a fellow SU demo in the UK
i love your space!
TFS Happy WOYWW xx Charlie.xx #72
Pam said…
Great work space. Hugs Pam
Laura said…
3 desks, you lucky Bean!!
'Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.' Rest in His peace and I will keep you in my prayers.
Maxam Made said…
Thank you Laura for the Kind words and Good WORD!! LOve It!! ~ Ginny and YesI am blessed!
Joynana said…
Three work stations, how great is that. I would love to have 3 work stations. #17
Elizabeth said…
Hi there, you have a great work space and those cards you are working on are lovely. I read your previous post and I wish your husband a successful operation and a speedy recovery. I'm sure the new dietary regime will give you both more energy. Happy WOYWW, Elizabeth x #85
Eliza said…
You are right they are cool cards, actually they are great, thanks for sharing I read the next post too. I am answering both in this one. I like your pot hanger, there is no way in hell I could ever reach that, lucky you are tall. LOL

Thanks for sharing
Eliza #22

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