time to get serious

Due to an epic event, Steve and I have decided to get very serious about our health!  Two weeks ago, we heard those words, I am very sorry but the test results were not good, I am afraid you have Papillary Cancer of the Thyroid, a week later, It has gone into your lymph nodes.  Yesterday, at the last Dr. we needed to see, we heard good words "we got this in time, you are not going to die from this and you are not going to have to go through Chemo Therapy".  I haven't posted in two weeks because we have been extremely busy with Dr.'s appointments, tests and trying to get a grip on this.  Steve goes in for surgery on the 27 of July, it will be aggressive surgery, and aggressive nuclear treatment afterwards, and then we are told a full and fast recovery.  Mentally we are choosing to not go down the road of 'what if's';  we are Christian and we believe that the Great Creator has this all under control.  We are not going down the road  'why's; we are Christian and we believe the Great Redeemer has this all under control.  We aren't just saying it because we are supposed to, we say it because we live and love it, the Sure Mercies of God!  What we are doing is getting ready, we went on a 7 day Juice fast.  After looking into a lot of ideas about the healing process of the body, recovery from disease and surgery, we decide the best first step was to detox.  I run a pretty much organic and whole foods kitchen, but due to hectic off the charts work schedules, and demands on our time and activities I have to admit I've slipped up a bit, well a lot in the last 6 months.  White flour products ended up in my pantry again along with sugar and for me an overload of table salt.  Some people hide candy in their purses, I hide little pink salt licks.  If any of you have ever had a Guinea pig, you know what  am talking about!  The end result, I gained 25lbs and just about stopped exercising ( I sit and sew all day and sometimes all night too depending on the job De Jour.  Wow did I just admit that on the Internet?  I am pretty sure I may be the only 52 year old female that struggles with weight.  My sweet husband who was working 75+ hours a week for about two months just kept on going, and going and going, all along with this time bomb in his neck.  So back to prepping for surgery and the rest of our lives.  After the fast we have stayed on a very particular diet, and it is working!  Steve looks healthier than he has in several years, lost about 10 lbs ( he was just a little over weight, male fat pattern: ie; enlarged gut.  he has about 15 more to loose.  Me, I was following a typical Italian Sausage fat pattern.  Not that I ate them, But I just looked like one- Stuffed)!  Believe it or not in 11 days I have lost 20.2 lbs.  I know that sounds like a yo yo diet syndrome nightmare, but not so, I just detoxed.  I haven't salted my food or sprinkled in my mouth when no one was looking for 11 days. I went from a stuffed size 16 to a loose 14.  I am looking at the 12's in my closet going "here I come" yes I do talk to my clothes, I talk to my stamps too.  This is the machine we purchased to Juice with:

                                                                                                     And a Book of "Juices"

This is a really new concept to us.  But I can't tell you how much better we both feel!  A great video to watch is called " fat, sick and nearly dead, it was recommended to us by a wonderfully health friend who juices,  we watched it after we bought our juicer, it actually came with it. http://www.hulu.com/watch/289122/  here is a link if you are interested.  We paid 225.00 for the machine and the book, for a 7 day fast I spent about 120.00 on fruits and vegetables for the two of us.  What nobody mentioned was that I would need to purchase a bigger fridge for all this stuff ! 
We also got back on the exercise wagon, or maybe I should say we are pulling it.  We both have the energy and the desire.  We are starting back at a gentle pace, yesterday we walked 5 miles, Today I walked 3.5 and shuffled .5 on my treadmill.  It may not sound like much but it was over 100 degrees in the room where my treadmill was.  It felt good anyway, 3 summers ago I was able to jog 5 miles 3 times a week and I felt better than I ever did in my life, Steve told me I could do it and helped me every laborious step of the way.  I intend to get back to that level of fitness.  I had to ask Steve not to run, not in this heat, he is feeling that good!.  So I look forward to the loss of 25 more lbs, the use of my size 10 clothes and a healthier life.  First and foremost however  I am thankful beyond words for the precious gift my Husband is to me and the excellent prognosis we have been given.   Ginny


Di said…
Hi honey! I read this with a very familiar feeling. My OH's son had the same a couple of years ago. He's absolutely fine, totally without his thyroid and now just takes pills daily and lives a full and very active life.

Love, Di xx
Maxam Made said…
Yeah!!!! Thank you for that GOOD Report!!! I will pass it on to Steve!!

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